Watermill painting tutor Ruth Korch


Ruth Korch

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Painting by watermill tutor Ruth Korch

The Watermill

This is just one of many inspiring views of The Watermill we may capture in the pages of our journals. We’ll explore the colors which best capture that warm glow reflected everywhere in Tuscany. Using minimal brushwork - so we don’t get bogged down in the details - we will also learn how to “suggest” the textures we see in water reflections, old stone walls, and the vast landscapes around us.

Painting by Ruth Korch a tutor at the watermill in Italy


One of the joys of travel journaling is the ability to capture multiple impressions on one page. But how do you keep those images from disconnecting or floating randomly on your page(s)? One solution is to use background washes and motion - through text - to lead the eye around the page which will create a harmonious design to your journal spread.

Painting by Ruth Korch a tutor at the watermill in Italy


I drew this lovely ancient abbey on a very warm summer day… much like what Tuscany will have on offer. By keeping your painting style loose with lots of white paper sparkling through, we will be able to suggest the feeling of bright sunlight and heat. Including small “picture windows” allows you the opportunity to capture smaller details (such as texture) that can’t be captured when painting loose… and it enhances your layout design as well.

Painting by Ruth Korch a tutor at the watermill in Italy


I absolutely love the interplay of text with imagery that art journaling offers. There are so many fun choices of lettering we will explore - from formal to whimsical. On this page, a small landscape vignette helps me remember the beautiful setting, the surrounding Lupin adds a contrast of detail, and the lettering (kept very contained) captures my memories. Keeping lots of white space lets the words and images breathe.

Course dates

Course Completed

Art Journaling

As a visual artist, Ruth Korch, has two particular passions: watercolours and calligraphy. Art journaling allows her to marry these two loves. She says: “On this amazing art journaling adventure in Tuscany, we will fill our pages with vignettes of the gorgeous sites we visit; perhaps a still life of delicious food and wine; we may capture the dappled light and deep shadows on an ancient building; or the vibrant colors from The Watermill’s garden. We will conjure the sights, smells and sounds of the beauty around us - using both imagery and words.”


Ruth, from Santa Cruz, California, USA, has a fine arts degree and more than 30 years ‘experience as a professional artist and instructor. She is passionate about sharing her love for beauty and thrives in helping artists of all abilities develop new skills and confidence -- truly to love the art they produce and find their innate creativity from within. Ruth’s followers are devoted and her classes fill quickly. The Watermill will be Ruth’s first painting holiday abroad, and she’s over-the-moon it sold out in a matter of days with a large and growing waitlist.

Ruth’s Love for Art Journaling

“I have always relished my role as a visual artist. I love watercolor for the fresh and light-filled quality it offers. There is a spontaneity and serendipity effect I can only achieve with watercolor. With ink, I can express my other passion - calligraphy or “beautiful writing”.

“Art journaling allows me to marry these two “loves” of mine, and as I fill my pages with splashes of color, images and/or words, I draw attention to the beauty that shows up in my daily life - the celebrations; the once-in-a-lifetime vacations; my garden; my beloved doodle; my contemplations; even the beauty in the mundane. Journals, pens and watercolor palettes are easily portable and go everywhere with me, recording my life’s moments - big or small.

“So... this is what I desire for each of YOU! While on this amazing art journaling adventure in Tuscany, we will fill our pages with vignettes of the gorgeous sites we visit; perhaps a still life of delicious food and wine; we may capture the dappled light and deep shadows on an ancient building; or the vibrant colors from the mill’s garden. We will conjure the sights, smells and sounds of the beauty around us - using both imagery and words.

“Our completed journals will act as a diary of our experiences, and upon reflection, will evoke that magical “window in time” where we can relive each amazing Italian moment - long after we’ve returned home!”

Praise from Ruth’s previous students

Ruth has an easy style in teaching watercolor. Her love of watercolor is infectious and inspiring! I especially liked that she emphasized there was no wrong or right way to paint - only your way! - CK

Thanks to wonderful teacher and artist, Ruth Korch! I have learned the basics of watercolor and acquired skills! She made it quick, easy, simple and fun to begin to master this challenging (for me) medium. Ruth is kind, generous, patient, and joyful. What a great teacher! - PW

Ruth has a warm, welcoming teaching style combined with impressive skill. - CW

Ruth’s love for beauty and life, along with her patient and gentle teaching manner has boosted my confidence, helped me tap into an artistry I never thought I had, given me new eyes to see the world around me, and taught me skills and techniques I can carry forward on my creative journey. - LL