Presenting Linda Daniels

Course dates:
  • 17 May - 24 May 2025
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Knitting and La Bella Vita

Linda Daniels has been the owner of Northampton Wools since 1988. This beautiful yarn store is located in the heart of downtown Northampton , Massachusetts, USA and many knitters have learned the craft from Linda. She began designing sweaters for Frog Tree Yarns in 1998, and also designs for Plymouth Yarn.

Linda’s book Northampton Wools The Shop Patterns is a collection of her favourite designs. She has had patterns published in Interweave Knits, For Love of Knitting and Knitter’s Stash Favorite Patterns from America’s Yarn Shops. Her designs have even been featured in the movies Cider House Rules and Perfect Stranger.



Linda’s teaching philosophy

Linda says “Teaching people to knit has always been an exciting part of owning this yarn store. I love helping knitters realize that they can create something unique and beautiful.”

On her course at the Watermill, Linda will be helping knitters to learn how to decode stitch patterns and solve the mystery of how to combine them. During their week, her students will make a cowl using a combination of different stitch patterns. Linda says: “They’ll choose stitch patterns from pattern cards and each individual will create their own unique piece. We’ll explore the world of lace, knit and purl combinations and even some cables, At the end of the week every knitter will have a special cowl that showcases their individual flair.”

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